Christopher Lee, Legends Never Die

(This article originally appeared, in a slightly different form, in June of 2015 on the site  Gone but not forgotten.) Today marks what would have been Christopher Lee’s ninety-eighth birthday.  It’s been almost five years since his passing and it is still hard to accept.  Christopher Lee gave us numerous reasons to assume he... Continue Reading →

We’ll Tear Your Soul Apart

(This article originally appeared, in a slightly different form, in March of 2013 on the site  Cheese-Magnet is thicker than water.) I’m a little ashamed to say that prior to 2013, I had not seen Hellraiser.  When it came out back in 1987, I was certainly aware of it.  I can remember the hype about... Continue Reading →

The Legendary Last Man

(This article originally appeared, in a slightly different form, in October of 2013 on the site  Cheese-Magnet is people!) I suspect most horror and science fiction enthusiasts are fans of the late writer Richard Matheson (1926 – 2013), although many may not realize it.  As author and/or screenwriter, Matheson was responsible for many genre favourites... Continue Reading →

Do You Wanna Paaaar-tay!

(This article originally appeared, in a slightly different form, in July of 2013 on the site  All hail the Cheese-Magnet!) In 1968, Night of the Living Dead had a profound impact on the cinematic world.  Not only was it the catalyst behind the splatter and slasher subgenres of horror filmmaking, it lead to an expansion... Continue Reading →

What Evil Drives…

(This article originally appeared, in a slightly different form, in June of 2014 on the site  Long live the Cheese-Magnet!) I should probably preface this article by stating that I am a big fan of The Car (1977).  I have watched it over a dozen times and I own a 1:18 scale die-cast of... Continue Reading →

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